Members for Gosforth Federated Academies Ltd:-
Judy Storey (Chair)
Geoff Norris
Jackie Slesenger
George Snaith
Trustees for Gosforth Federated Academies Ltd:-
Sophie Ashcroft
Lesley Bowes (Vice Chair)
Julie Crumbley
Roger Edwardson
Lindsey Ferrie
Nick Girdler
Jeff Lough (Safeguarding Link)
Ally Memon
Julia Morrison
Chris Nicholson (Chair)
George Snaith
Contact details for the Trust Chair
Chris Nicholson
0191 285 1000
Gosforth Federated Academies Limited (Company number 07431423)
Great North Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Please click on the links below to view the following documents:
Governance Structure
Scheme of Delegation 2024 - 2025*
Register of Attendance 2023-2024
Register of Pecuniary Interests
*Please note: The Scheme of Delegation (2023-2024) is a live document which is reviewed at least annually. The SoD is currently under review and the updated document will be shared following approval by the Board of Trustees.